EOFPANJ is proud to support the initiatives of our students and alumni.
The Alliance of Educational Opportunity Fund Students (AESNJ), our statewide student organization, supports campus organizations in creating advocacy campaigns, leadership opportunities/events for students, and community development. We encourage campuses and students to become involved!
The Educational Opportunity Fund Statewide Alumni Association (EOFSAA), our statewide alumni association, supports the needs of EOF graduates. They hold community service events, provide fun networking opportunities, and continue to develop EOF leaders! Campus EOF programs can start an Alumni chapter with EOFSAA to build their alumni network. We encourage all EOF Alumni to attend EOFSAA events to reconnect with EOF friends from college and develop new friendships with Alumni from other EOF programs.
Statewide AESNJ Mission
The Alliance of Educational Opportunity Fund Students of New Jersey (AESNJ) leadership is a community of New Jersey college students enrolled in the Commission of Higher Education's campus based Educational Opportunity Fund Programs. The mission of A.E.S.N.J. is the development of strategies and programs which strengthen the social, political, economic, intellectual, and spiritual welfare of EOF students operating under the guidance and direction of the Educational Opportunity Fund Professional Association of New Jersey (EOFPANJ). EOFPANJ is a non-profit corporation comprised of professional staff--including directors, administrators, educators, and counselors from some 56 undergraduate college and university programs throughout the state.
AESNJ Constitution & Chapter Tool Kit
Educational Opportunity Fund Statewide Alumni Association (EOFSAA)
In continuing the legacy of the Educational Opportunity Fund (E.O.F.), the E.O.F. Statewide Alumni Association serves our diverse alumni by creating a shared network of resources and relationships that achieve professional and personal success.
To be known as a vibrant alumni association that members leverage to increase positive impact as advocates of social change in their respective communities.